Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Workstation overview

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Setting Up an Effective Home Office Workspace

Choosing the Right Workspace

If you are working from home, it is essential to have a dedicated workspace. Avoid working from the sofa as it can lead to poor posture and reduced productivity. Ideally, set up a desk in a spare room or use your dining table. Keeping your work area separate from your personal life can help maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Desk Setup

We use a desk in a spare room, which allows us to close the door and keep distractions at bay. This setup helps to create a boundary between work and personal life. Your workspace might look different, but here are some tips to optimise it:

  • Monitor Placement: Place your monitors at eye level to reduce strain on your neck. If you use a laptop, consider a stand to elevate it and use a separate keyboard.
  • Dual Monitors: Using two screens can increase productivity by allowing you to view multiple documents simultaneously. You can achieve this with a laptop and an additional monitor or an iPad as a second screen.


Maintaining good posture is crucial for long-term health. Here are some tips:

  • Keyboard and Mouse: Use a full-width keyboard and a comfortable mouse to avoid strain on your wrists and shoulders. Consider using ergonomic pads for additional support.
  • Desk Organisation: Keep your desk clear of clutter. Use organisers for paperwork and ensure everything has a designated place.


Reliable internet connectivity is vital for remote work. Ensure you have a strong WiFi signal or, if possible, use an Ethernet connection for a more stable connection. VoIP phones can also be connected via WiFi or hardwired for better call quality.

Additional Equipment

Having the right equipment can make your workday smoother:

  • Printer/Scanner: A multifunction printer that includes scanning capabilities is useful for sending documents back to the office. If you don’t have one, use mobile apps for scanning.
  • Specialised Mouse: An ergonomically designed mouse can reduce discomfort during long periods of computer use.

Maintaining Productivity

While working from home can be free of office interruptions, it's important to take regular breaks. Stand up, stretch, make a cup of coffee, or take a short walk. Inform your family and friends that you are working to minimise distractions.


Setting up an effective home office workspace involves choosing the right location, organising your desk, ensuring ergonomic comfort, and maintaining good connectivity. With these tips, you can create a productive and healthy work environment at home.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Remote Working LO 1.2.1