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Customising your Apple computer

Video 44 of 111
8 min 38 sec
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How to Change System Preferences on an Apple Computer


When you first get an Apple computer, it will come with standard settings. However, you can customise a vast array of settings to suit your preferences. This guide will help you navigate and change these system preferences.

Accessing System Preferences

To access the system preferences, go to the bottom of your screen and click on the silver cog icon labelled "System Preferences". This will open a window where you can adjust various settings.

Using the Search Bar

At the very top of the System Preferences window, there is a search bar. You can enter keywords to find specific settings. For example, typing "printer" will display all settings related to printers. To clear the search, click the 'X' button.

General Settings

In the general settings, you can change the appearance of your computer, including themes and colours. You can switch between light mode, dark mode, or set it to change automatically based on the time of day. You can also set the default web browser, choosing between Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

Customising Your Desktop

Click on the "Desktop & Screen Saver" option to change your desktop background or screen saver. You can choose from pre-set images, or upload your own pictures. Screen savers can also be customised with various built-in options.

Dock and Menu Bar Settings

In the "Dock & Menu Bar" settings, you can adjust the size of icons and customise the dock's appearance. You can also manage Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, screen mirroring, display settings, and sound settings from here.

Siri Settings

Siri can be customised by clicking on the "Siri" icon. Here, you can change the language, voice, and other settings related to Siri's functionality. You can also enable "Ask Siri" for hands-free use.

Language and Region

In the "Language & Region" settings, you can adjust the language and regional settings for your computer, ensuring it suits your location and preferences.


Manage notifications for various apps and services from the "Notifications" settings. Here, you can control which apps can send notifications and how they are displayed.

Internet Accounts

The "Internet Accounts" section allows you to manage all email and internet accounts connected to your computer.

Wallet and Apple Pay

You can manage your credit card details and Apple Pay settings under the "Wallet & Apple Pay" section. Ensure your data is secure if you choose to use these features.

Touch ID and Accessibility

For devices with Touch ID, you can manage fingerprint settings here. The "Accessibility" settings allow you to adjust the computer for easier use, including screen magnification and other accessibility features.

Screen Time

Track and manage the amount of time spent on your computer with the "Screen Time" feature, which is particularly useful for monitoring children's usage.

Security and Updates

The "Security" settings help protect your computer, while the "Software Update" section ensures your system is up to date. We will cover updates in a separate video.

Network and Bluetooth

The "Network" settings show your current network connections. The "Bluetooth" section displays all Bluetooth devices connected to your computer.

Sound Settings

In the "Sound" settings, you can adjust the volume, balance, and choose output devices for your computer's audio.

Printers and Scanners

The "Printers & Scanners" section displays all connected printers and scanners. You can manage these devices from here.

Display Settings

Adjust the brightness, colour, and other display settings under the "Displays" section. You can also manage external displays and use features like Sidecar to use your iPad as a second screen.

Battery Management

The "Battery" settings allow you to monitor battery usage and set preferences for battery performance and energy saving.

Date and Time

Set the date and time preferences in the "Date & Time" section.

Other Settings

Explore additional settings like "Sharing", "Time Machine" for backups, and other installed programmes. Always remember to take note of any changes you make to easily revert back if needed.


Customising your Apple computer's settings can enhance your user experience. Take your time to explore and adjust settings to suit your preferences and needs.