Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Google Earth

Video 19 of 111
2 min 35 sec
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Using Google Earth

Introduction to Google Earth

Google Earth is a fantastic tool for exploring locations around the world. It provides a detailed view of areas and highlights what is around them. You can use it to plan trips, explore new places, or simply have fun discovering what different parts of the world look like.

Getting Started with Google Earth

To begin using Google Earth, open your Google search engine and type "Google Earth." Click on the Google Earth icon to start the program. It will load and show a default area based on your last visit. To explore a new location, use the search button.

Exploring a Location

Let's explore Buckingham Palace. Type "Buckingham Palace" into the search box. As you type, suggestions will appear. Click on "Buckingham Palace" from the list. Google Earth will zoom in on the location, providing an aerial view of Buckingham Palace and the surrounding area.

You can see detailed information about Buckingham Palace on the right-hand side of the screen. This includes historical data, visitor information, and nearby points of interest. To learn more, click on the icons and links provided.

Searching for Other Locations

If you want to explore another location, such as the Sydney Opera House, simply delete "Buckingham Palace" from the search box and type "Sydney Opera House." Click on the suggestion, and Google Earth will zoom out, rotate around the globe, and then zoom back in on the Sydney Opera House.

As with Buckingham Palace, you will see detailed information about the Sydney Opera House on the right-hand side. You can also add this location to a project if you are planning a trip and want to gather more information.

Using Google Earth for Trip Planning

Google Earth is an excellent tool for planning holidays or trips. You can explore destinations in detail, see nearby attractions, and get a sense of the geography and layout of the area. Use the map features to view roads, landmarks, and other points of interest.

To get a detailed map of the area you plan to visit, click on the map icon. This will provide you with an interactive map that you can zoom in and out of, showing you all the details you need for your trip.


Google Earth is a powerful and fun tool for exploring the world. Whether you are planning a holiday, researching a destination, or just curious about different places, Google Earth offers a wealth of information and stunning visuals. Take some time to explore and discover exciting places around the globe.