Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Google maps

Video 18 of 111
4 min 27 sec
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Using Google Maps

Introduction to Google Maps

Google Maps is a powerful tool for navigation and location services. While there are other map software options, such as Apple Maps, this guide will focus on using Google Maps. If you are logged into your Gmail account, you can quickly access Google Maps by clicking on the grid icon at the top right and selecting the Maps icon. This will open a new window showing your current location.

Exploring Map Views

Google Maps offers various views to suit your needs:

  • Map View: The default view displaying streets and locations.
  • Satellite View: A photographic view of the area from above.
  • Terrain View: Shows the physical landscape and elevations.

You can switch between these views using the options in the bottom left corner of the screen. You can also zoom in and out using your trackpad, mouse, or the zoom buttons on the bottom right.

Searching Locations

To find a specific location, use the search bar at the top. For example, if you want to find Birmingham, type "Birmingham" in the search bar. Ensure you select the correct Birmingham if there are multiple options, such as Birmingham, UK, or Birmingham, USA. Once selected, the map will zoom in on that location.

Navigation and Directions

Google Maps can help you plan your journey. On the top menu, you can choose different modes of transport, such as:

  • Car
  • Public Transport
  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Plane

To get directions, enter your starting point and destination. For example, enter "Colchester" as the starting point and "Birmingham" as the destination. Google Maps will then provide multiple routes, showing the quickest route by default. You can select alternative routes to avoid traffic or explore different paths.

Traffic and Live Data

Google Maps provides real-time traffic data, which can be very useful during peak hours. Busy areas are highlighted in red. The traffic data panel at the bottom shows live congestion information.

Additional Features

Google Maps offers many other features:

  • Save Places: Bookmark locations you visit frequently.
  • Share Locations: Share your current location with others.
  • Print Maps: Print a physical copy of the map or directions.
  • Take a Tour: Learn more about the features of Google Maps through the guided tour.


Google Maps is a versatile tool for navigation, location searches, and planning routes. Whether you are looking for the quickest way to get somewhere or exploring new areas, Google Maps provides comprehensive and real-time information to assist you.