Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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File types and extensions

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Understanding File Types and Extensions

What Are File Types and Extensions?

A file name might be something like "My Document". The extension is always a dot followed by a few letters. For example, if you have created a Word document, it might be named "MyDocument.docx". The extension helps identify the type of file.

Examples of Common File Extensions

PowerPoint Files

PowerPoint files typically have the extension ".pptx". This helps you recognise that the file is a PowerPoint presentation.

Word Documents

Word documents usually end with ".docx". You might see this extension displayed within the file icon or at the end of the file name.

Video Files

Video files can have various extensions. Two common ones are:

  • ".mov" - Often used for QuickTime videos.
  • ".mp4" - A widely used video format that is compatible with most devices.

PDF Documents

PDF files, often used for forms and instruction leaflets, have the extension ".pdf".


Excel spreadsheets are usually saved with the extension ".xlsx". This indicates that the file is an Excel document.

Compressed Files

Compressed files, which are often sent over the internet, typically have the extension ".zip". To access the contents, simply click on the zip file, and it will extract into a folder with the files inside.

Image Files

There are several types of image file extensions, but the most common one is ".jpg" (or ".jpeg"). This indicates a JPEG image file, which is widely used for photographs and web images. Another common image file extension is ".png".


Understanding file extensions is crucial for identifying the types of files you are working with. This knowledge helps in managing files efficiently and ensures you are using the correct applications to open them.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 3.3