Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Using an online chat facility

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4 min 8 sec
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Website Navigation and Online Chat Facilities

Introduction to Website Navigation

In this guide, we will explore different ways to navigate a website. You can search for text, use internal search engines, and utilise various interactive features. Let's start with how to use the online chat facility on a website.

Using the Online Chat Facility

Many websites offer an online chat facility for real-time assistance. On our website, the chat icons are located at the bottom. Some websites have chat pop-ups that appear automatically, while others require you to click a bubble icon to start a chat.

Starting a Chat

If a website has a chat facility, you will typically see an icon or text such as "Chat with us." Click this icon to initiate a chat. In the chat box, type your query, for example, "Do you offer health and safety online courses?" and hit return.

Real Person vs. Bot Responses

On our website, a real person will respond to your queries. However, some websites use bots—computer programs designed to answer your questions based on pre-set algorithms. For instance, if you ask about health and safety courses, a bot might reply with options and links, asking if you prefer a classroom or online course.

Example Chat Interaction

In our example, we asked, "Do you offer health and safety courses?" and received a response indicating that such courses are available. You can continue to ask follow-up questions or thank the representative. To end the chat, click the "X" button at the top of the chat window. Some websites offer the option to email a transcript of the chat for your records.

Providing Feedback

After ending the chat, you may be prompted to provide feedback. This helps companies improve their service. You can rate the chat and leave a comment, such as "Excellent reply," then hit the submit button.

Automated Chat vs. Real Person

Online chats can be handled by bots or real people. Bots usually have an icon or name indicating they are automated, such as "ProTrainings Bot." Real people often have an avatar or a profile picture. If you are chatting with a real person, be clear and concise with your questions to get the best help.

Tips for Effective Online Chat

  • Be logged into the website for more personalised assistance.
  • Provide clear and specific information about your query.
  • Utilise the feedback feature to help improve the service.


Utilising online chat facilities can significantly enhance your experience on a website. Whether interacting with a bot or a real person, clear communication and proper use of features can help you get the information you need efficiently.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 3 LO 9.1