Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Editing and formatting data

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Editing and Formatting Data in Excel


We have created a basic blank template. Now, let's look at how to edit and format data. This document, titled "Book One," contains a simple calculation on the spreadsheet. We aim to tidy up and format this data for better presentation.

Adjusting Column Width

Each column on the spreadsheet is labelled with letters, and rows are labelled with numbers. To adjust the width of a column, hover between the column headers (e.g., B and C), then click and drag to resize. This helps when text overlaps into the next column.

Deleting and Clearing Columns

If you need to remove a column, right-click the column header and select Delete. To clear the contents of a column without deleting it, right-click and choose Clear Contents.

Uniform Column Width

To make all columns the same width, click the top-left corner of the spreadsheet to select all cells. Then, adjust the width of one column, and all columns will adjust uniformly. Click outside the selection to exit the global settings.

Creating Titles and Headings

In the Home tab, you can format text similarly to Word. Highlight the text you want to format and use the toolbar to make it bold, underline it, or change the font size and colour. For example, you can bold the title, underline it, and centre it using the alignment buttons.

Inserting and Adjusting Margins

If your text has large margins, you can adjust them by dragging the column boundaries. This ensures your text fits neatly within the page.

Editing Text in Cells

To edit text within a cell, click the cell and type your changes. Use the formula bar at the top to navigate within the text. To correct spelling errors, simply click the cell, edit the text, and press Enter.

Formatting Cells

You can format cells to display data in specific ways. Right-click a cell, select Format Cells, and choose from options like number, currency, date, or percentage. You can also set decimal places and how negative numbers are displayed.

Using Formulas

Excel allows you to perform calculations using formulas. For example, if you have an exchange rate and a currency amount, you can set a formula to calculate the equivalent in another currency. Update the exchange rate, and the formula will automatically recalculate the amount.

Highlighting and Colour Coding

To make certain data stand out, you can use highlights and colour coding. Select the cells you want to highlight, then choose a fill colour from the toolbar. You can also change the font colour to draw attention to specific text.

Templates and Advanced Features

If you need to create more complex spreadsheets, consider using pre-existing templates in Excel. These templates can save time and provide advanced functionalities suited to your needs.


Editing and formatting in Excel is similar to Word. By utilising the various tools and features, you can create well-organised and professional spreadsheets. Explore the options and templates available to enhance your Excel skills.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 2 LO 8.2