Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Uploading a video to YouTube

Video 31 of 111
4 min 30 sec
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Uploading and Managing YouTube Videos


Once you have created your YouTube channel, the next step is to upload videos. This guide will walk you through the simple process of uploading and managing your videos on YouTube.

Uploading a Video

  1. From the main YouTube page, click on the Upload Video button.
  2. Select the video file from your computer. For this example, we'll choose a video on pet first aid.
  3. As the video uploads, fill in the necessary information:
    • Title: Make the title engaging. For example, change "promo" to "Learn About Our Pet First Aid."
    • Description: Provide a brief description of the video. Include relevant information such as "We offer online pet first aid courses" or "Join our classroom sessions."

Setting Playlists

Create playlists to organise your videos. For example, you could have playlists for "Pet First Aid," "Human First Aid," and "Health and Safety."

Thumbnail and Audience

  1. The thumbnail will be automatically generated, but you can change it once the video has uploaded.
  2. Indicate whether the video is made for children or not. For most general content, select "No, it’s not made for children."

Video Settings

Basic Settings

After the initial setup, you can adjust more settings:

  • Tags and other metadata to help users find your video.
  • Basic privacy settings to determine who can view your video.

Privacy Options

Choose the appropriate privacy setting for your video:

  • Public: Accessible to everyone.
  • Unlisted: Only those with the link can view it.
  • Private: Only you and specific people you choose can view it.

Publishing the Video

Once you’ve configured all settings:

  1. Click the Publish button to make the video live immediately.
  2. Alternatively, schedule the video to be published at a specific date and time.

Editing Video Details

To change the thumbnail or other details after publishing:

  1. Go to your channel and click on the video.
  2. Select Details and update the thumbnail or any other settings.
  3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Managing Your Channel

You can view and manage your videos from your channel:

  • View your channel by clicking on your profile icon and selecting Your Channel.
  • Play, edit, or delete videos as needed.
  • Monitor video performance by viewing metrics such as views and likes.
  • Share your videos or embed them on your website using the share and embed options.


Uploading and managing videos on YouTube is straightforward and provides a powerful platform for sharing your content. Follow these steps to make the most of your YouTube channel.