Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Wikipedia and WiKi blogs

Video 23 of 111
5 min 28 sec
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Using Wikipedia and Wiki Blogs

Introduction to Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a free, open-source platform where you can access a vast amount of information on a wide range of topics. It is written and updated by volunteers, which means that while the content is often current, it may not always be reliable for academic or professional research. Therefore, if you use Wikipedia for research, always verify the information from other credible sources.

Navigating Wikipedia

To search for information on Wikipedia, use the search bar located in the top-right corner of the website. Simply type in your query and browse through the results. Wikipedia entries often appear in Google search results, making it a convenient tool for quick information.

Exploring Wiki Blogs

Wiki blogs are similar to Wikipedia but are usually managed by individuals or companies. These blogs are typically found on personal or business websites and are used to share specific information related to the site’s focus.

Example of a Wiki Blog

For example, our company website includes a Wiki page dedicated to health and safety. This page is a curated collection of information managed by us, providing detailed posts on various topics. Unlike Wikipedia, the content on this Wiki blog is controlled solely by the site owner.

Using a Wiki Blog

To navigate our Wiki blog, simply click on the "Wiki" section. You can browse through different topics, such as "Warning Signs" or "Infection Control," by clicking on the relevant links. Each topic page includes detailed information, images, and sometimes videos.

Searching and Interacting

If you are looking for specific information, use the search bar within the Wiki blog. Type in your query, such as "First Aid," and browse through the results. You can also leave comments or questions at the bottom of each post, which allows for community engagement and interaction with the blog owner.

Sharing and Printing

Wiki blogs often provide options to share posts on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. You can also email posts directly to others or print them for offline reading. These features make it easy to disseminate valuable information found on the blog.

Additional Features

Some Wiki blogs offer related articles and resources, helping you explore more on the subject. For example, if you are reading about ISO standards, you might find links to related topics like CPD (Continuing Professional Development).

Leaving Feedback

You can also leave replies and comments on posts to ask questions or share your thoughts. This feedback goes directly to the site owner, who can then respond to your queries.


Wiki blogs are a valuable resource for finding detailed, curated information on specific topics. While they are not as widely editable as Wikipedia, they provide a focused and reliable source of information related to the site's main theme.