Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Social engineering

Video 108 of 111
3 min 53 sec
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Social Engineering: Protecting Yourself from Scams


Understanding Social Engineering: While we've discussed various methods of computer hacking, social engineering involves direct contact with individuals to deceive them into divulging sensitive information or taking harmful actions.

Phone Calls from Fraudsters

Recognize Suspicious Calls: Be wary of unsolicited calls, especially from purported internet providers or financial institutions.

Verify Caller Identity: If unsure about a call's legitimacy, hang up and contact the company directly to confirm the call's validity.

Protecting Your Router

Avoid Sharing Router Details: Never provide router codes or reference numbers to unknown callers claiming to be from internet service providers.

Prevent Unauthorized Access: Refrain from divulging personal information over the phone to prevent unauthorized access to your internet settings.

Deceptive Bank Calls

Beware of False Bank Calls: Be cautious of calls claiming to be from banks, especially if they request urgent money transfers or account information.

Confirm Legitimacy: Verify the authenticity of bank calls by contacting the bank directly using official contact details.

Email and Text Scams

Exercise Caution: Be vigilant of unsolicited emails or texts requesting personal information or directing you to click on links.

Avoid Clicking Links: Refrain from clicking on links or providing sensitive information in response to unexpected emails or texts.


Stay Alert: Social engineering scams can be sophisticated and convincing. Always verify the legitimacy of communication and refrain from sharing personal or financial information unless absolutely certain.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 5 LO 14.4