Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Searching on a website for information

Video 54 of 111
5 min 0 sec
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Effective Website Search Techniques

Using the Search Box

Many websites feature a search box at the top of the page. This tool allows you to enter keywords to search through the website’s database or pages for relevant information. For instance, if you type "Health and Safety" into the search box and hit return, the website will display results related to your query.

Navigating the Website

Course Search

If the search results do not provide the information you need, you may want to navigate the website further. For example, if you are looking for a specific course, go to the top of the page and click on the "Courses" button. This section may have another search field where you can refine your search by typing in keywords such as "health."

Category Browsing

You can also browse through categories. For example, selecting the "Health and Safety" category will display all courses related to that topic. You can then click on individual courses for more details.

Finding Specific Information on a Page

If you need to find specific information within a large page, you can use the "Find" function. Press Command + F on a Mac or Control + F on a Windows computer to open a search box. Type in the keyword you are looking for, such as "RIDDOR," and it will highlight the word wherever it appears on the page.

Contacting the Company

Chat and Quote Requests

Many websites offer a chat facility or a pop-up form to request more information. This is an effective way to get specific answers directly from the company.

Contact Us Page

Websites typically have a "Contact Us" page, which can be found either at the top or bottom of the site. This page usually includes:

  • FAQs: Frequently asked questions for quick answers.
  • Email: An option to send a direct email to the company.
  • Phone Numbers: Different numbers for sales, customer support, etc.
  • Physical Address: The company’s location, often with a Google map for easy navigation.

Other Information Sources

Websites may also offer additional resources such as blogs, forums, and social media links. These can provide further insights and updates. We will explore these in separate videos.


Utilising search boxes, navigating through categories, and using the find function on large pages are effective ways to find specific information on a website. Additionally, using contact options and exploring other resources can provide comprehensive information to meet your needs.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 2.1
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 2.2