Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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What is a computer

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Understanding Computers: Basics, Components, and Connectivity

What is a Computer?

In essential digital skills training, we typically refer to computers as MacBooks, laptops, or desktop computers. However, computers are integrated into many devices beyond those with keypads, such as washing machines, televisions, and various electronic equipment.

Types of Computers

There are two main types of computers:

  • Laptop: Portable and mobile.
  • Desktop: Stationary, designed to stay in one place.

Despite their differences, both types operate in fundamentally the same way.

Main Components of a Computer

Inside a computer, there are two primary components:


The physical parts of the computer, including:

  • Casing
  • Drive
  • Power supply
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • External drives and cables


The data and programs that run inside the computer, making it functional. Software includes:

  • Operating system (OS): The engine that drives the computer. Examples include:
    • Windows: For Windows machines.
    • macOS: For Mac computers.
    • Chrome OS: For Chromebooks.
  • Application software: Programs that perform specific tasks.

Connecting to the Internet

Most computers come with built-in options for connecting to the internet, including:

  • Wi-Fi: Wireless connectivity.
  • Ethernet: Wired connection to a router.

Once connected, you can access various online resources, data storage, and websites.


Understanding the basic components and connectivity options of computers helps you use them more effectively and appreciate their integration into various aspects of modern life.