Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Creating a chart in Excel

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3 min 30 sec
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Creating Charts in Excel


In this guide, we will cover the basics of creating charts in Excel. Charts are useful for visualising data and can be presented in various forms such as pie charts, line charts, and bar charts. We will demonstrate how to convert basic data into a chart.

Entering Data

To begin, enter your data into the spreadsheet. For this example, we have entered numbers from 1 to 10.


Highlight the data you want to include in your chart.

Inserting a Chart

To insert a chart:

  1. Go to the Insert tab at the top of Excel.
  2. Choose the type of chart you want from the available options. You can select from pie charts, line charts, bar charts, and more.
  3. For this example, we will select a simple bar chart.

Editing the Chart

Once the chart is created, you can customise it:

  • Move the Chart: Click and drag the chart to your desired location on the spreadsheet.
  • Resize the Chart: Click and drag the corners to resize the chart.
  • Edit Data: Changing the data in the spreadsheet will automatically update the chart. For example, changing a number from 10 to 12 will reflect in the chart.
  • Change Title: Click on the chart title to edit it. For instance, you can change it to "Test Chart".

Formatting the Chart

To enhance the appearance of your chart:

  • Add a Heading: Click above the data and type a heading, such as "Data". Highlight the heading, make it bold, and change its colour to red for better visibility.
  • Change Chart Type: If you wish to change the chart type, go to the Chart Design tab and select a different type.

Benefits of Using Charts

Charts can greatly improve the presentation of your data. They are especially useful for:

  • Tracking financial performance, such as profit and loss.
  • Visualising sales data and product performance.
  • Creating professional reports and presentations.


Creating and formatting charts in Excel is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance the clarity and impact of your data. Experiment with different chart types and formatting options to find the best way to present your information.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 2 LO 8.3