Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Checking the file size of a file on an Apple computer

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1 min 54 sec
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Managing Folders and Files on an Apple Computer

Accessing Your Files

To locate your folders, navigate to the bottom left of the screen and click on Finder. This will open a window where you can manage your files. You can expand this window by dragging the corners to fill the screen.

Key Sections in Finder

  • AirDrop: Allows file transfer to other Apple devices.
  • Dropbox: An external folder storage solution.
  • Screenshots: A folder created for storing all screenshots taken on the computer.
  • Recents: Displays files recently handled by the computer, useful for quickly finding recent files.
  • Applications: Lists all installed programs, which can be opened directly from here.
  • Desktop: Mirrors the files visible on your desktop screen.
  • Documents: Another folder for storing various information and files.
  • Downloads: Holds files downloaded from the internet or email. It's good practice to periodically clean this folder and move files to appropriate locations.
  • iCloud: Backs up data to the cloud, except for the Downloads folder. Ensure important files are moved out of Downloads to be backed up.

Managing Downloads

The Downloads folder is where files from the internet or email are initially stored. To keep your system organised, regularly review and move files from Downloads to their appropriate folders.

Using iCloud

iCloud is used for backing up your data. Depending on your plan, you can store various amounts of data. Ensure files you want to keep are moved out of the Downloads folder into Documents or Desktop for proper backup.

Deleting Files and Disconnecting Drives

You can delete files by selecting them and clicking the delete button. For external drives, always disconnect them safely by clicking the eject button before physically removing them.

Using Tags

Tags can help you organise your files. You can assign different colours to tags and use them to categorise your files.

Viewing Options

Finder allows you to change the view of your files. You can switch between icons, list, column, or gallery view. This can be adjusted using the options at the top of the Finder window.

Sorting Files

You can sort files by name, type, date added, or tags. This can help you quickly locate the file you need.

Creating and Organising Folders

To create a new folder, click the New Folder button. You can name it and drag files into it. For example, to organise PowerPoint files, create a folder named "PowerPoints" and move the relevant files into it.

Moving Folders

If you need to move a folder, simply drag it to the desired location, such as the Desktop or Documents.

Understanding Files and Folders

A file is an individual document, video, image, or program. A folder is used to store files. You can create folders within folders to further organise your content, such as having separate folders for work and personal files.

By effectively managing your files and folders, you can keep your Apple computer organised and efficient.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 3.4
  • EDSQ Unit 4 LO 11.5