Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Adding Images to a Document

Video 68 of 111
3 min 25 sec
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Inserting and Formatting Pictures in Word


We have created a basic document where we added a paragraph, underlined the heading, made the heading bold, corrected spelling errors, and changed some text colours. Now, we will learn how to insert and format a picture in the document.

Inserting a Picture

To insert a picture, follow these steps:

  1. Decide where you want the picture to be placed. Move the cursor to the desired location.
  2. Click on the Insert tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Select Pictures and then choose From File if you have the picture saved on your computer.
  4. Navigate to the folder where your picture is stored. For this example, we will use a picture of a dog from the downloads folder.
  5. Highlight the picture and click Insert. The picture will now be inserted into your document.

Resizing the Picture

After inserting the picture, it may be too large or too small. You can resize it as follows:

  • Click on the picture to select it.
  • Drag the corner handles to resize the picture while maintaining its aspect ratio.
  • If you need to undo any changes, press Command + Z (Mac) or Control + Z (Windows) to revert to the previous state.
  • Avoid using the horizontal and vertical handles as they can distort the image.

Wrapping Text Around the Picture

To make the document look tidier, you can wrap text around the picture:

  1. Right-click on the picture and select Wrap Text.
  2. Choose Square to wrap the text around the picture.
  3. Adjust the picture by clicking and dragging it to your desired location. The text will automatically wrap around it.

Final Adjustments

After wrapping the text, you can make further adjustments:

  • Resize the picture by dragging the corner handles if necessary. The text will reformat around the picture.
  • Position the picture for optimal layout, ensuring it is centrally located with balanced text around it.


Inserting and formatting pictures in a Word document can significantly enhance its appearance. By following these basic steps, you can ensure your document looks professional and well-organised. There are many other advanced formatting options available for pictures, which can be explored for further customisation.