Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Deleting files on an Apple computer

Video 42 of 111
3 min 15 sec
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How to Delete Files on a Mac


In this guide, we will cover the steps to delete files on a Mac using Finder. This includes deleting single files, multiple files, and understanding how to manage your bin effectively.

Navigating Finder

Open Finder to view all your files. You can access different locations such as Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc., from the left-hand sidebar.

Deleting a Single File

To delete a single file, follow these steps:

  • Locate the file you want to delete.
  • Click on the file to highlight it.
  • Use two fingers to click on the trackpad to bring up the context menu.
  • Select Move to Bin.

You will hear a sound indicating that the file has been moved to the bin.

Deleting Multiple Files

To delete multiple files, you have two options:

  • Block Selection: Hold down the Shift key and click the first and last files in a sequence to select all files in between.
  • Individual Selection: Hold down the Ctrl key and click each file you want to select.

Once the files are selected, use two fingers to click on the trackpad, and select Move to Bin.

Handling Downloaded Files

Downloaded files, such as installation files, can also be deleted in the same manner:

  • Select the downloaded file(s).
  • Click with two fingers on the trackpad.
  • Choose Move to Bin.

Managing the Bin

Viewing Files in the Bin

To see the files you have deleted, click on the bin icon located at the bottom right of your screen. This will open the bin and show all deleted files.

Restoring Files from the Bin

If you accidentally deleted a file, you can restore it:

  • Open the bin.
  • Right-click the file you want to restore.
  • Select Put Back.

The file will be restored to its original location.

Emptying the Bin

To free up space on your Mac, you should periodically empty the bin:

  • Open the bin.
  • Click the Empty button at the top right.
  • Confirm by clicking Empty Bin.

All files in the bin will be permanently deleted. Be cautious as this action cannot be undone.


Deleting files on a Mac is straightforward, but it is essential to manage your bin to ensure files are permanently removed when no longer needed. Regularly clearing out the bin helps maintain your Mac’s performance and protects your privacy.