Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Files and folders on an apple computer

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Managing Folders and Files on an Apple Computer

Accessing Finder

To manage your folders and files, start by opening Finder. Go to the bottom left of the screen and click on the Finder icon. A new window will pop up. You can resize this window by dragging its corners to fill the screen.

Understanding the Sidebar

On the left-hand side of the Finder window, you will see various folders and shortcuts:

  • AirDrop: Allows you to send files to other Apple devices.
  • Dropbox: An external folder storage option.
  • Screenshots: Stores all the screenshots you have taken.
  • Recent: Contains files that have been recently accessed.
  • Applications: Shows all the installed programs on your machine.
  • Desktop: Displays the files and folders visible on your desktop.
  • Documents: A folder for storing various documents.
  • Downloads: Stores files downloaded from the internet or emails. It is advisable to move files from Downloads to their proper folders to keep things organised.
  • iCloud: Backups and stores data on Apple's cloud service. Note that the Downloads folder is not backed up to iCloud.

Managing Downloads

Periodically, check your Downloads folder and move files to their appropriate locations to avoid clutter. For example, you can move files to the Desktop or Documents folder.

Creating and Organising Folders

To create a new folder, go to the top of the Finder window and click on the New Folder button. You can rename the folder by clicking on the name and typing a new one.

To move files into a folder, simply drag and drop them. You can select multiple files by holding the Shift key to select a block of files, or the Ctrl key to select individual files.

Using Different Views

You can change the view of your files in Finder:

  • Icons: Displays files as icons.
  • List: Shows files in a list format.
  • Columns: Displays files in columns.
  • Gallery: Previews the image or file content.

Sorting and Tagging Files

Files can be sorted by name, date, type, or tags. You can apply colour tags to files for better organisation.

Moving Files

To move a folder, click on it and drag it to the desired location, such as from the Downloads folder to the Desktop.

Creating Folders with Selected Items

You can create a new folder with selected items. Select the files, click the gear icon, and choose New Folder with Selection. Name the folder and it will contain the selected items.

Understanding Files and Folders

A file is an individual document, image, video, or program. A folder is a container for organising multiple files. For example, you might have a folder named "Work" containing subfolders for documents, images, and presentations.


Managing folders and files on an Apple computer using Finder is straightforward. By keeping your files organised, you can ensure easy access and maintain a tidy workspace. Regularly moving files from the Downloads folder and creating organised folders will help keep your computer running smoothly.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 3.1