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How to make a purchase online

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How to Make an Online Purchase


In this guide, we will walk you through the process of making an online purchase. This basic skill involves adding items to your shopping cart and completing the checkout process. If you are pursuing a regulated qualification, you may need to perform a test purchase using a fake credit card as part of your exam. Let's get started by exploring a first aid supplies website.

Finding Your Product

Begin by finding the product you wish to purchase. You can use the search bar or navigate through the website's menu. For example, let's search for a "Pet First Aid Kit."

Once you hit the search button, you'll see a list of options. Select the product you want, such as the "Advanced Pet First Aid Kit."

Product Details

After selecting a product, you can view detailed information about it. This website shows prices excluding VAT and including VAT. Be aware of the difference, as the current VAT rate is 20%.

Scroll down to see the product details, including contents and specifications. Some products may have a dropdown menu for additional options, like buying a single kit or a pack of five. Choose your desired option and click "Add to Basket."

Adding to Your Basket

A message will confirm that the item has been added to your basket. You can adjust the quantity or continue shopping. Let's add another item, such as a "Workplace First Aid Kit," using the website's menu.

Navigating Menus

Use the website's menu to browse categories, such as "First Aid Kits." Select the type you need, like a "Workplace First Aid Kit," and view the available options. You can use "Quick View" for a brief overview or click the product for full details.

Using the Wishlist

Some websites offer a "Wishlist" feature. If you have an account, you can save items for later instead of adding them to your basket. This is useful for future purchases or gift ideas.

Checkout Process

Once you have all the items you want, click "Go to Checkout." Review your shopping cart, adjust quantities if needed, and proceed. You'll see a breakdown of the subtotal, delivery charges, VAT, and the total amount.

Payment Options

You can choose to pay with PayPal or a credit card. If using PayPal, you will be redirected to log in and complete the transaction securely. For credit card payments, enter your card details, including the card number, expiry date, and security code.

Delivery and Billing Information

Enter your delivery address and, if different, your billing address. This ensures your order is shipped to the correct location and matches your credit card details for security verification.

Order Confirmation

After completing the payment, you will receive an email confirmation with order details. You may also receive a dispatch notification once your order has been shipped. Keep an eye on your notifications for any alerts from your bank regarding the transaction.


Making an online purchase is straightforward once you understand the process. Always ensure you enter accurate information and review your order before completing the checkout. This guide should help you navigate online shopping with confidence and security.