Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Selecting the right type of document

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Choosing Between Microsoft Word and Excel

Determine Your End Goal

Before you begin creating a document, it is crucial to determine what you want to achieve with your final product. This will help you decide whether to use Microsoft Word, Excel, or another program. Understanding your end goal will guide your choice.

When to Use Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is ideal for creating text-heavy documents such as:

  • Letters: Perfect for formal and informal letters.
  • Newsletters: Suitable for adding photos, charts, and other visual elements.
  • Reports: Excellent for creating comprehensive reports with embedded charts and diagrams.

Word allows you to insert various elements, including charts and diagrams, making it versatile for many types of documents.

When to Use Microsoft Excel

Excel is best for managing and analysing data, such as:

  • Financial Reports: Ideal for tracking personal finances or club accounts.
  • Data Analysis: Useful for creating dynamic and live data forms, such as currency exchange rate trackers.
  • Business Applications: Essential for uploading product information to online stores or managing large datasets.

Excel is particularly effective when dealing with calculations and data analysis. Its functionality allows for live data updates and complex computations.

Practical Applications of Excel

Excel is widely used in various business applications. For instance:

  • Online Store Management: Upload product information using spreadsheets with columns for product name, part number, pricing, and VAT status.
  • Training Organisations: Upload student or staff information for e-learning courses efficiently.

Using CSV files, you can upload data without formatting issues, ensuring a smooth transfer of information.

Choosing the Right File Type

When deciding on the file type, consider the following:

  • Calculations: Use Excel for documents involving sums and data analysis.
  • Text and Images: Use Word for documents that primarily include text, images, and non-interactive content.

Exporting Your Document

Both Word and Excel offer options to export your document in various formats:

  • Word Document: Save as a .docx file for continued editing.
  • PDF: Export as a PDF for a universally accessible format.

Choose the export format based on how you plan to use and share the document.


When deciding whether to use Microsoft Word or Excel, consider your end goal and the type of content you are creating. Word is ideal for text-heavy documents with visual elements, while Excel is best for data management and analysis. Always think about the final result and choose the program that best suits your needs.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 2 LO 6.1